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Hon. K. Kader Masthan,—To ask the Minister of Lands,—
(a) Is he aware that, since 1970, state lands situated within the hamlet called Rasendrakulam close to the village named Sooduvendapulabu belonging to the Vengachettikulam Divisional Secretariat Division in the Vavunia District have been used by persons resident in that area for chéna cultivation and livestock farming?
(b) Will he inform the House—
(i) the number of persons out of those referred to in (a) above who have been selected as eligible to receive permits through land kachcheris according to the Land Commissioner General’s Circular No. 2013/01;
(ii) what their names are;
(iii) the number of those who have received permits by now;
(iv) what constraints hamper the granting of permits to all those selected;
(v) whether action will be taken to eliminate those constraints and grant permits to all those selected; and
(vi) if so, on which date?
(c) If not, why?
Asked Date
Asked by
Hon. K. Kader Masthan, M.P.
Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka
Government Land in Vavuniya
Answered Date
Answered by
Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, M.P.
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