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1   Mr. Speaker

2   Prime Minister

3   Leader of the Opposition

4   Secretary-General of Parliament (When Parliament goes into Committee the Speaker descends from his elevated Chair and sits in the Chair of the Secretary General of Parliament).

5   Deputy Secretary-General of Parliament

6   Assistant Secretary-General of Parliament

7   Table of the Parliament

8   Mace (When Parliament goes into Committee, the Mace is placed "below the Table.")

9   Government Benches

10   Opposition Benches (When the number of Government Members exceeds the number of seats on the Government side, the excess number are allotted seats in the Opposition side except the front row.)

11   Bar of the Parliament

12   Serjeant-at-Arms

13   Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms

14   Hansard Officials

15   Parliament Officials

16   Press Gallery

17   Gallery 1

18   Gallery 2

19   Gallery 3

20   Speaker's Gallery (This Gallery is reserved for distinguished visitors.)

Seating Facility

The seating accommodation of Members within the Chamber is arranged in tiers with tables. The Chamber has seating facility for 232 Members in air-conditioned comfort. Seats have been allotted in the House based on the number of seats entitled to by such political parties/groups; Government parties to the right of the Chair and the Opposition parties/ groups to the left of the Chair.

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Parliament shall consist of two hundred and twenty-five Members elected for a duration of five years. Articles 98 and 99 of the Constitution indicate the composition of Parliament. One hundred and ninety six Members are directly elected by the people at a General Election and the balance 29 seats are distributed among the political parties and independent groups contesting such General Election according to the proportion of votes polled by each political party/ independent group.

Further there are few special boxes in the lower portion of the Chamber for some specific purposes. The Boxes for the Hansard Officials and the Parliament Officials are located in the right and left sides of the Chair respectively. The Boxes for Parliamentary Interpreters and Government Officials are located opposite the Chair.

On the sides of the Chamber are wide Lobbies through which members enter. These Lobbies are suitably furnished to make them a comfortable place for members to sit and have informal discussions among themselves.

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