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General Details

Any Member of the Public may visit the public galleries of Parliament either as a group or individually on any sitting or non-sitting day. Visits are arranged for 30 (Thirty) minutes duration between 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on non-sitting days and till the end of the sessions on any sitting day.

Time of Sittings

Unless Parliament otherwise decides, Parliament shall meet in two alternate weeks in each month commencing after the first Sunday of each month and shall sit on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of the first and third of such weeks. Parliament does not ordinarily sit on Saturdays and Sundays and other holidays and the sittings of Parliament are usually held from 1.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from 10.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. On some days the sittings might be extended beyond 7.30 p.m. During the budget period, generally, the allotted hours of sittings shall be 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. and may subject to change from time to time.

At present Parliament Sittings are held from 10.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m vide a Motion approved in Parliament to suspend the related Standing Orders.

Permission to visit Galleries

In order to visit the Public Galleries, permission needs to be obtained from the Serjeant-at-Arms. Such a request may be made by contacting the Parliament directly or by completing and forwarding an Inquiry Form. In your inquiry you would have to furnish the following details;

  1. Full Names & addresses of the visitors
  2. National Identity Card (NIC) Numbers of the visitors
  3. Date and Time of Visit
  4. Purpose of Visit
  5. Your Contact details

Once your details have been processed the Serjeant-at-Arms would contact you to confirm your request and in turn would issue the pass to enter the Parliamentary Complex.

Instruction for Visitors to Parliament

  1. Only those who possess a pass issued by the Serjeant - at- Arms, valid for the date of visit, will be allowed to visit the Parliament and enter into the Public Gallery. Therefore, the pass issued to you by the Serjeant- at- Arms for that purpose should be brought by you without fail and kept safely with you until you leave the Parliament building.
  2. Those who expect to visit the Parliament can apply to the Serjeant – at- Arms to obtain passes in the following manner:-
    1. Through a Member of Parliament
    2. Through a Member of the Parliament Staff or a Member of the other/affiliated staff.
    3. By a written/ oral request submitted to the Pass Counter established at the “Jayanthipura Check Point”, which is the Main Entrance to the Parliament.
    4. Through the email address sa@parliament.lk
    5. By sending a fax message through numbers 0112777473
    6. Through a written request addressed to the Serjeant- at- Arms, Department of Serjeant- at - Arms, Parliament, Sri Jayewardenepura, Kotte.
    7. Through a written request made by the Principal with the following information mentioned in the paragraph 3 below in respect of the school children who come in school uniforms.
  3. When applying, it is essential to mention the date on which you expect to visit the Parliament, the time, number of persons, the address of the applicant, names and the NIC numbers of the visitors. If there are telephone numbers / fax numbers and e- mail facilities, provision of such data will help us to send your passes immediately. It is essential to mention the grade of the students, when applications are forwarded to get permission for school children.
  4. Permission will be granted to visit the Parliament on each working day from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m and on Sitting Days beyond 3.30 p.m. until the Sitting of Parliament is over. On Weekends (Saturday/ Sunday) or Poya days or on other Public holidays, passes will not be issued to visit the Parliament. Further, on the days the Gallery is limited for special invitees, passes will not be issued to visit the Parliament.

    Unless Parliament otherwise decides, Parliament shall meet in two alternate weeks in each month commencing after the first Sunday of each month and shall sit on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of the first and the third of such weeks. However, the Parliament may, from time to time, decide not to sit on above mentioned days or to meet on days other than such days.

    There can be instances, when passes issued to visit Parliament have to be cancelled without prior notice. At such instances, steps will be taken to inform the relevant parties of such cancellations as much as possible.

    Parliament is scheduled to sit from 1.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from 10.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. However, if Parliament otherwise decides, the times of Sitting of Parliament may vary.

  5. In keeping with the security procedures being adopted at present in Parliament, visitors to the Public Gallery are not permitted to take parcels, handbags, briefcases, travelling bags, books, documents, pens, pencils, raincoats, caps, umbrellas, cameras, cellular phones, notepads, electric or electronic tools or accessories, cigarettes, tobacco, chew of betel, smoking pipes, food items, etc. and if there are any other items, which are deemed/decided not permissible to the Public Gallery are not allowed to be taken into the Gallery. Visitors, therefore should refrain from bringing such items and if you are in possession of any such items they should be left in the vehicle.
  6. Visitors who are not properly dressed (dresses such as shorts and sleeveless skinnies, etc.) will not be allowed to enter the Parliament premises/building. Therefore visitors, seeking entry into the Public Gallery should be properly dressed.
  7. When granting permission for school children to view Parliamentary Sessions, only the children above Grade Five (5) are allowed. This condition does not apply on Non-sitting days. Since infants are not allowed to be taken into the Public Gallery while Parliamentary Sessions are on, such children should not be taken into the Gallery. Small children and small school children are not allowed to sit in the first row of the Gallery.
  8. As per paragraph 2 above, since vehicles of the visitors, who come to visit Parliament are restricted on security grounds, your vehicle should not be driven into Parliament premises. As facilities have been provided to park the vehicles of Visitors to Parliament on the land where the restaurant is located adjacent to the playground opposite the Parliamentary Complex, park your vehicle there.
  9. After parking your vehicle in the said parking area, you are required to cross the main road with your group (except groups of school children in school uniforms) and call at the security check point at Jayanthipura.
  10. On showing the pass to the Police Officers on duty at the security check point at Jayanthipura you are required to proceed to the Security Officers’ Counter and inform them of your arrival. Once the necessary entries are made to that effect, a Parliament bus will be called by the security officers to transport your group to the Parliament building from the security check point at Jayanthipura. As per paragraph 2 (iii) above, this Counter will facilitate the Visitors to Parliament to enter the Parliament building.
  11. All visitors to Parliament are subjected to a body search. Therefore you are required to allow the Police Officers to search you physically at the Security Check Point at Jayanthipura.
  12. Your vehicle is allowed to be driven in up to the Security Check Point at Jayanthipura only during rainy weather and after dropping the visitors off at the Check Point, the vehicle should be parked in the above stated restaurant premises.
  13. After the body search, a Parliament bus of the shuttle service takes you up to the Public Entrance of the Parliament Building. Refrain from walking and use a bus of the shuttle service.
  14. You have to alight from the bus at the Public Entrance and the Police Officers, who are on duty will direct you and others in your group to the Public Entrance Door.
  15. As you are once again body searched at the Public Entrance, forming two queues with men in the right queue and women in the left queue makes the body search easier and the head of your team should surrender his/her identity card together with the pass issued by the Serjeant-at-Arms to the Police Officers on duty there.
  16. You can enter the Parliament Building through the Public Entrance Door and are permitted to proceed to the Public Gallery along the western staircase. The Police Officers on duty and the Security Officers of Parliament will direct you to the Gallery and you must ensure that you do not stray into other areas as you are strictly prohibited from doing so. You are once again subject to a body search at the entrance of the Public Gallery and your fullest co-operation should be extended for such body search.
  17. You have to exercise caution while climbing up and going down the staircase and in particular you must ensure that school children and other children accompanied by you climb up and going down the stairs carefully and in an orderly manner.
  18. Complete silence has to be maintained while in the Public Gallery or any other area in the building. You have to remain quiet at all times so as not to disturb institutional functioning and should make sure that you behave in such manner that no damage is caused to audio equipment and other equipment fixed in the Public Gallery and in other places of the building.
  19. Smoking, talking, clapping, cheering and merry-making, making various sounds, cracking jokes, walking about and keep standing, making fun, making signals using facial expressions, peeping into the Chamber, pointing fingers, hands or legs towards the Chamber, waving or making signals to the Hon. Ministers/Members of Parliament, dozing off, taking down notes and reading books and papers are strictly prohibited while you are in the Public Gallery.
  20. Jumping over the security fences and occupying seats in the Press Gallery should not be done while you are in the Public Gallery and you should take seats as directed by the Parliament Security Officer or the Police Officer who is on duty at the Public Gallery. Parliament Security Officers/Police Officers have been instructed to take timely action to evict people from the Public Galleries in the event of a commotion in the Chamber. Therefore you should comply with their orders.
  21. In the event of any individuals or groups, who fail to act in accordance with the aforesaid provisions, Parliament Security Officers/Police Officers will take measures to remove them from the Parliament Premises/Galleries.
  22. As vehicles move frequently via the area where Public Entrance is located, it is essential to ensure your safety and the safety of your group when you have returned to the Public Entrance from the Gallery. Instruct your group to remain calmly until the shuttle service bus arrives to take you from the Public Entrance to the Jayanthipura Check Point. Specially, it is essential to prevent the children in your group from roaming about.
  23. It is dangerous to flock on the banks of Diyawanna Oya. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that children as well as others in your group do not remain close to those banks.
  24. Souvenir Shops have been established at the Public Entrance of the Parliament building and at the restaurant premises located beyond the playground in front of Parliament, for the convenience of the public departing after viewing Parliament. You can buy souvenirs you need from those shops.
  25. If you intend to purchase souvenir items from the Souvenir Shop at the Public Entrance of the Parliamentary Complex, you may only bring currency notes and should refrain from bringing coins to the building.

Special arrangements to be followed with respect to other matters including the entering and parking of vehicles

Vehicles coming to Parliament with permission obtained as per Paragraph 2 above or vehicles transporting school children coming to view Parliament and other visitors to Parliament should enter the Car Park located in the Restaurant premises beyond the playground in front of the Parliament. Before that, if there is any prior permission obtained to visit Parliament, it should be presented to the Police Officers on duty at the check point at that location. If not, the relevant person should establish his/her identity. The vehicle may enter the Car Park only after satisfying those requirements.

Visitors coming by vehicles other than buses transporting students in school uniform should approach the security check point at Jayanthipura as mentioned in Paragraph 9 above. They will be subjected to body search there and you should extend your support to the security personnel for such security searches.

Buses carrying students in school uniform will be directed by the Police Officers from this Car park to the relevant check points for body search. School children and teachers and parents accompanying them will be subjected to body search there and the buses too are searched. Thereafter, subsequent to giving the necessary instructions, the school children and the persons accompanying them are sent back to the bus and subject to relevant security search and recording of information, the bus is sent to the Public Entrance of the Parliament Building with a Police Officer to accompany them via Jayanthipura Security Check Point. Fullest support should be extended to the Police officers and the Parliament Security Officers for this.

After the students and the rest of the group get off the bus at the Public Entrance to Parliament, the bus is sent back to the aforesaid parking place via the Jayanthipura Main Entrance with the Police Officer who accompanied them in the bus. The bus shall be parked there until called back. One part of the vehicle token card issued there shall be kept by the driver whereas the other part shall be retained by the Principal or the Teacher -in -Charge of the group. It shall be totally prohibited to park these vehicles in the Parliament premises or along the access road to Parliament.

Once you arrive at the Public Entrance back after watching Parliament, the Police Officers, who are on duty there shall take steps to call your bus to that place using the aforesaid token. On such arrival the bus is sent to the Public Entrance along with the Police Officer, who accompanied the group earlier, via Jayanthipura Security Check Point subject to necessary security check-ups and recording the necessary details.

When leaving Parliament premises, the bus has to be driven via Jayanthipura Main Entrance and once the accompanying Police Officer gets off the bus, the bus may exit the Parliament premises.

Visitors to Parliament are not allowed to use any other entrance except the Jayanthipura Entrance. Also the Visitors to Parliament accompanied by a Member of Parliament or a Member of the Staff of Parliament shall use only the Jayanthipura Entrance. Subsequent to the confirmation of the identity and the body search, the visitor may travel up to the Public Entrance by the vehicle in which he/she turned up or using the shuttle bus service of Parliament. It is totally prohibited for these visitors to proceed to any other entrance in Parliament.

Visitors and the groups of students clad in school uniforms, who come to watch Parliament without prior permission are also able to travel up to the Public Entrance subject to the aforesaid arrangements and they are able to obtain a special yellow colour pass from the reception counter close to that place to watch Parliament subsequent to the confirmation of their identity. A white colour pass is issued to the visitors and the school children, who come with prior permission.

It is totally prohibited to enter any place except the Parliament Gallery using these passes.

Instructions for Public Officials Visiting Parliament

Provisions relating to Admission to the Parliamentary Complex; the Security Arrangements and the facilities provided in respect of the Public Officials visiting Parliament for various official purposes

  1. Vehicles which carry Public Officials into the Parliamentary Complex
    1. All vehicles carrying Public Officials, who come to Parliament for official purposes, are allowed to be driven into the Parliamentary Complex subject to security requirements.
    2. As such, the vehicles in which public officials arrive could be driven in only through the Main Entrance at Jayanthipura.
    3. After identification at the check point at the Jayanthipura Main Entrance, only the vehicle is subjected to a security check. It is not necessary to alight from the vehicle at this point.
    4. Nevertheless, all the things brought in the vehicle are subjected to security check. Therefore, refraining as much as possible from bringing in tools, instruments, equipment, travelling bags and other things which are not essential or suitable to be brought in, other than the documents relevant to the official purpose of the visit, will make the security check hassle-free.
    5. Following the aforementioned security check, Police officers on duty will direct the vehicle to the Public Entrance of the Parliament building.
    6. After alighting from the vehicle at the Public Entrance,
      • Public Officials’ will be directed to the Public Officials’ Reception
      • Vehicles will be directed to the vehicle park at Jayanthipura or any other relevant vehicle park for parking the vehicle, if it is chauffeur-driven.

      Facilities have been made available to call the vehicle back on departure.

    7. At the end of official business, either the Main Entrance at Jayanthipura or exit routes via Nugasevana or Pinniyara could be used.
    8. However, if the vehicle is driven by the officer himself or herself, the vehicle has to be parked at the Vehicle Park at Jayanthipura and the officer should reach the Pass Counter at the Main Entrance. After fulfilling the identification requirements at this point, the shuttle bus service of Parliament could be used to reach the Parliamentary Complex.
  2. Issuing of Coloured Temporary Passes and directing the Public Officials into the Parliament Building and security measures
    1. It is essential for the Public Officials to confirm their identity by handing over their National Identity Card/valid Driving License/valid Passport or the official identity card issued by the Head of the institution or if there is an entrance pass issued by the Serjeant – at – Arms, to the Receptionist on duty at the Public Officials’ Reception Counter.
    2. Thereafter, the relevant information will be documented and after retaining the identity document, a Coloured Temporary Pass is issued up to the relevant point and at their departure they can retrieve the identity card upon returning the pass issued to them.
    3. All Public Officials will be subjected to a body search when entering the Parliament Building and the documents and bags brought by them too will be searched. Since everybody including the Members of Parliament are subjected to a body check, all the Public Officials are kindly requested to extend their fullest co-operation to the security authorities.
    4. Since it is essential to adhere to the security measures adopted by Parliament, during their stay within the Parliament premises, all the Public Officials are kindly requested to extend their fullest support and co-operation to the Police Officers, who are attached to the Parliament Police Division and the Security Officers of the Parliament Staff.
  3. Permission to carry cellular phones, laptops/ tablets/I pads and other electronic equipment inside the Parliament Building.
    1. Permission is not granted to carry cellular phones inside the Public Officials’ Box. Therefore arrangements have been made for the Public Officials, who go into the Officials’ Box to handover their cellular phones with the Security Officer, who is on duty at the Public Officials’ Reception Counter.
    2. Except for the officials, who enter into the Public Officials’ Box, the Public Officials, who come to participate in any Committee Meeting or to fulfill any official requirement, can be given permission to carry their cellular phones inside the Parliament, only if it is necessary and for that duly completed application set should be submitted to the Serjeant-at-Arms.
    3. If a request is made based on the requirement, the possibility of issuing this pass for the current year will be considered and the relevant officer should bring the pass in every visit to the Parliament. It will prevent unnecessary delays.
    4. Subject to the security measures, lap tops/ tablets/i pads can be allowed to be taken into the Public Officials’ Box, when they are essential and for that duly completed application forms should be submitted.
    5. If it is an official requisite, laptops/ tablets/ i pads/ are allowed to be taken into Parliamentary Committees or other Committees or meetings and for that the relevant form should be submitted.
    6. The above mentioned passes are issued only by the Serjeant–at-Arms/ the Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms / the Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms.
  4. Sending documents of details of the Public Officials visiting Parliament for various official purposes or seeking permission to visit Parliament
    1. It is kindly informed that the details of the Public Officials visiting Parliament or seeking permission to visit Parliament could be drawn to prompt attention of the relevant authorities if they are sent through 2777473 or 2777322 or 2777323.
    2. However, it is more appropriate and essential to submit the details of the officials visiting Parliament to attend the Meetings of Committees of Parliament or other committees to the Serjeant-at-Arms along with the recommendation of the Secretary to the relevant Committee/ Assistant Director (Administration) of the relevant Committee Office. Therefore it is more appropriate to submit such details to the Serjeant-at-Arms through those officers.
    3. It has been observed that owing to sending;
      • documents to other offices set up in the Parliament Building instead of sending same to the Serjeant-at-Arms or the Secretary to the relevant Committee/ the Assistant Director (Administration) of the relevant Committee Office,
      • multiple copies of the same document or a number of documents from time to time,
      • the relevant documents immediately before the relevant meeting or discussion commence,
      • the altered documents from time to time without endorsing the alterations made,
      • incomplete documents without essential information such as name, National Identity Card number and the registration number of the vehicle the officials come in,
      • of details of officials visiting Parliament from certain Ministries/ institutions or requests for obtaining permission, the officials visiting Parliament, the Staff of Parliament and the Police Officers face inconveniences in checking documents for directing those officials beyond the main entrance of Parliament. Therefore, it is requested that;

      • the details be sent through the above mentioned fax numbers or to the relevant Committee Office.
      • the altered lists of names be sent along with a covering letter to make it easy to identify that the document is an altered one or such lists be sent whenever possible with notes mentioning that alterations have been made.
      • it must be ensured that multiple copies of the same document are not sent and inquiries be made by dialing the number 2777100 (extension 5422, 5334 or 5302) or through the above mentioned fax number to ensure that the document sent has been duly received.
      • all relevant details be included in sending documents at least one working day in advance.
  5. The requirement for the officials, who participate in Committees/discussions to come to Parliament in time
    1. There are occasions where several committee meetings/discussions are held at the same/approximate time frequently and in such circumstances, delays may occur when the relevant officials gain access through the main entrance of Parliament premises having completed the security requirements.
    2. Therefore, it is kindly informed that unnecessary delays can be avoided by reaching the Pass Counter at the Main Entrance of Parliament at least 30 minutes in time, in instances where your officers come to Parliament for a certain official purpose.
  6. Issuance of annual/daily entrance passes to facilitate the public officers, who frequently visit Parliament for official purposes
    1. Issuance of annual passes for the Secretaries to the Ministries.
    2. The annual passes are issued to the Secretaries to the Ministries in the following manner to facilitate the Public Officials, who come to Parliament to enter the Public Officials’ Box on Sitting Days / to participate in Parliamentary Committees or other Parliamentary Committees or for various official purposes. Arrangements have already been made to issue the said passes for the current year.

      • 01 pass for the vehicle of the Secretary to the Ministry
      • 03 passes for Public Officials’ Box
      • 02 passes for Public Officers
      • 01 Cafeteria Pass
      • A request with the signature of the relevant Minister or the relevant Secretary to the Ministry should be forwarded to the Serjeant-at-Arms for these annual passes to be issued.

    3. Issuance of annual passes to the officers belonging to the personal staff of the Cabinet Ministers
    4. In addition to the passes issued to the Public Officials stated in the above paragraph, annual passes are issued in the following manner to the personal staff of the Cabinet Ministers, who are entitled for a Minister Room in the Parliament Building. Arrangements have already been made to issue the aforesaid passes to the respective officers for the current year.

      • 01 pass for the Private Secretary
      • 01 pass for the Co-ordinating Secretary(Parliamentary Affairs)
      • 01 pass for the Co-ordinating Secretary(Media)
      • A request with the signature of the relevant Minister or the relevant Secretary to the Ministry should be forwarded to the Serjeant-at-Arms for these annual passes to be issued.

    5. Issuance of Daily Entrance Passes
      • In addition to the officials, who utilize the passes indicated in the above paragraphs, a letter with the recommendation of the relevant Secretary to the Ministry should be forwarded to the Serjeant-at-Arms to issue the daily passes valid for the specific date, by the Public officials, who come to Parliament for the following purposes,
        • To enter the Public Officials’ Box,
        • To enter the Parliament Gallery or Ministers’ Room or any other place on official basis or,
        • To participate in Parliamentary Committee Meetings, other committee meetings, or for any other official purpose.
      • The necessary arrangements will be made by the Serjeant-at-Arms/ the Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms/ the Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms to issue the information pertaining to the aforesaid entrance passes and further relevant instructions to,
        • the Parliament Police
        • the relevant Reception Counters and
        • the counters of the relevant security personnel.
  7. Use of Public Officials’ Box or the Gallery on official capacity
    1. A Coloured Temporary Pass to the Public Officials’ Box will be issued from the Public Officials’ Reception Counter only if the relevant officer is in possession of a Public Officials’ Box Pass valid for the day issued by the Serjeant-at-Arms. Furthermore, issuance of passes to access the Public Gallery on official capacity for special requirements is also carried out in accordance with the same provisions.
    2. Any request to access the Public Officials’ Box or the Public Gallery on official business should be forwarded to the Serjeant-at-Arms through the respective Secretary or Additional Secretary to the Ministry. It is requested to refrain from forwarding such requests to other Departments of the Parliament Secretariat. If, under special circumstances, an officer is summoned to the Public Officials’ Box, steps will be taken to make arrangements necessary to that effect.
    3. However, arrangements must be made by the respective Ministries to obtain in advance from the Department of Serjeant-at-Arms, the printed day-passes issued to Public Officials for individual use in order to access the Public Officials’ Box or the Public Gallery on official capacity. Special emphasis is made in this regard during the Budget Period.
    4. Since passes are issued in consideration of the limited number of seats available at the Public Officials’ Box, requests to access the same should be made along with a priority list based on official requirement.
    5. Officials accessing the Public Officials’ Box should be dressed appropriately and should follow the relevant rules and regulations while they are present in the Box. All public officials are expected to extend their cooperation in this regard and the relevant rules are mentioned on the day-pass issued to them and also displayed inside the Public Officials’ Box.
    6. For the convenience of the Public Officials, fax facilities are available inside the Box while telephone facilities are made available at the lobby outside the Box. While the officials remain in the lobby, it is essential that they do not act in any manner that might disturb the Members of Parliament. It is also essential that they refrain from entering the lobbies located on either side of the Chamber since those are reserved for the use of Members of Parliament only.
  8. Using Ministers Rooms of the Parliament by the Officials of the Ministries.
    1. On condition that the Cabinet Minister concerned is entitled for a Minister Room in the Parliament Building, the Public Officials or the officials of the Personal Staff of the Minister concerned, will be directed to the Minister Room concerned, during the office hours of Sitting Days or Non- Sitting Days, going by the duty requirement of the particular Minister, provided that his recommendation have been made and the permission that is required, is obtained.
    2. On Non- sitting Days, if the Minister concerned, is not present in the Parliament, the Minister Rooms will not be opened for Public Officials or the officials of the Personal Staff of the Minister or any other person .
  9. The Media teams of the Ministries or the Media teams sent by the Ministries
    1. Whenever the Media teams of the Ministries or the Media teams sent by the Ministries need to enter the Parliament, on the requirement of the Hon. Ministers, a request should be made to the Serjeant–at –Arms by the Ministry concerned. Aforesaid request should contain the information regarding the persons, who wish to arrive, number of the National Identity Card, Media equipment that are brought in, the vehicle numbers and the venue where the media briefing is held.
    2. Since the Media Personnel that enter in to the Parliament, the vehicles and the equipments that they bring in, are subjected to a security check, unnecessary inconveniences can be evaded, by reaching the Parliament at least before 45 minutes, to the set time, concerned.
    3. They should enter to the Parliament only through the Staff Entrance with aforesaid equipment, subsequent to the relevant security checks and only enter the places that are permitted by the Serjeant-at-Arms. They should completely prevent themselves from entering in to other places and engaging in media coverage in the places where it is not permitted. And also, it is strictly prohibited to bring media equipment in to the Galleries of the Parliament, except on the occasions where a special permission is obtained in that regard.
  10. Reservation of Committee Rooms
    1. A Cabinet Minister could reserve a Committee Room, going by the capacity of being able to reserve a Committee Room for the committees that are established under Parliamentary Standing Orders and for the other priorities, concerned.
    2. According to aforesaid provisions, measures will be taken to reserve Committee Rooms, only on the requests made to the Serjeant-at-Arms , with the signature of the Cabinet Minister or with the signature of the Secretary or the Additional Secretary to the Ministry, on the instruction of the Minister.




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