How many members of parliament have Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and if anyone do not have TIN number their details
Copy of all documents provided by Board Management of the Muslim Ladies Arabic College Management Society, Kal Eliya, approvals, recommendations and registrations obtained for the purpose of incorporation of the said management board.
Copy of the letter, directive, or communication sent by the speaker to the Attorney General, to scrutinize the Online Safety Bill
A certified copy of the memorandum dated 6.6.2014 submitted by the Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Answers about the letter which Speaker has sent to the Law Drafting Department asking whether the bill has been made subject restrictions.
Information about the youth representatives based on the sectoral oversight committees
Inquiry Regarding Proposed Divorce Reforms
Was a Bill for the establishment of the Office for International Trade (OIT) passed by the Parliament and certified by the Hon.Speaker?