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 Date: 2021-02-09   Answered 

0582/ 2021 - Question Asked By Hon. Velu Kumar, M.P.

    1. 582/2020

      Hon. Velu Kumar,— To ask the Minister of Plantations,— 

      (a) Is he aware that—

      (i) there was a reform of state-owned estates in the year 1992;

      (ii) state owned lands were leased out to 22 regional plantation companies under those reforms; and

      (iii) most of the aforesaid companies have transferred their lease rights to other parties at present?

      (b) Will he inform this House—

      (i) the names of the plantation companies that obtained the state-owned estates on lease basis in the year 1992; and

      (ii) the names of the companies that are managing those estates at present having obtained the lease rights of those estates from the aforesaid plantation companies?

      (c) Will he also inform this House—

      (i) whether there are legal provisions for the primary lessees to lease out to another party the state-owned estates acquired by them; and

      (ii) if so, the  legal provisions that provide for such lease out?

      (d) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

Velu Kumar


Plantation Industries


Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Estate company details which leased state estates in the period of Estate Reform

Answered Date


Answered by

Ramesh Pathirana

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