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 Date: 2023-10-19   Answered 

3578/ 2023 - Question Asked By Hon. Hector Appuhamy, M.P.

    1. 3578/2023

      Hon. Hector Appuhamy,—To ask the Minister of Labour and Foreign    Employment,—

      (a) Will he inform this House—

      (i) of the number Sri Lankan migrant workers in foreign countries as of now;

      (ii) of the number of such workers separately according to the country with the highest number of Sri Lankan migrant workers and the country with the lowest number of Sri Lankan migrant workers;

      (iii) of the countries with which Sri Lanka maintains diplomatic relations and with which Sri Lanka does not maintain diplomatic relations separately, among the countries where those workers are employed;

      (iv) whether he admits the importance of maintaining diplomatic relations with the countries where Sri Lankan workers are employed for the welfare of Sri Lankan workers; and

      (v) if so, of the action that will be taken in this regard?

      If not, why?

Asked Date


Asked by

Hector Appuhamy


Labour and Foreign Employment


Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Statistics of expatriate foreign workers

Answered Date


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