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 Date: 2017-02-23   Answered 

1349/ 2017 - Question Asked By Hon. Rohini Kumari Wijerathna, M.P.


      Hon. (Mrs.) Rohini Kumari Wijerathna,—To ask the Minister of Skills Development and Vocational Training,—

      (a) Will he admit that—

      (i) school children in Sri Lanka generally have poor motivation for attending vocational training;

      (ii) the skills the youth in Sri Lanka possess show a mismatch in fulfilling the current labour market demand in Sri Lanka; and

      (iii) there exists a strong need for training children in a range of skills and generating new avenues for employment?

      (b) Will he inform this House—

      (i) whether the Ministry has taken steps in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to bring about a change in the school curriculum in order to develop vocational skills of school children from primary level to tertiary level; and

      (ii) of so, what those steps are?

      (c) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

Rohini Kumari Wijerathna


Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development & Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage


Eighth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Change in School Syllabuses to develop vocational skills

Answered Date


Answered by

Mahinda Samarasinghe

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