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A Select Committee may be appointed by resolution of Parliament.

A Select Committee shall not, without the leave of Parliament, consist of more than twelve Members. A motion for such leave requires notice.

 The scope of an inquiry by a Select Committee shall be determined by the terms of the order under which it is appointed but it may be enlarged or restricted by the instructions of Parliament. Such order shall specify the time for the presentation of the final report of the Committee provided that Parliament may extend such time period to a specified date as it deems appropriate.

The Chair and Members of every Select Committee shall be appointed by the Speaker. In the absence of the Chair, any Member of the Committee chosen by the Members present, shall chair for that meeting.

The Committee shall hold its first meeting at such time and place as may be appointed by the Chair. Meetings after the first meeting shall be held at such times and places as the Committee may determine.

 Four Members of a Select Committee shall unless otherwise ordered, form the quorum.

 In case where a vacancy occurs in any such Committee, the Speaker may appoint, from time to time, another Member to take the place of such Member on a Select Committee. Any Member who absents from three consecutive meetings of a Select Committee without having obtained the prior leave of the Committee, shall be deemed to have vacated his membership of such Committee. Every appointment under this Standing Order shall be announced to Parliament at its next meeting.

The Chair of a Select Committee shall have an original vote. If the votes cast be equally divided, he may exercise a casting vote.

If it is desired to enable a Select Committee to which a Bill or matter has been referred to hear evidence thereon, Parliament may by resolution empower that Committee to summon persons and call for papers and records, 

and any Committee on which such powers have been conferred shall have leave to report their opinions and observations together with the minutes of  evidence taken before them to Parliament and to make a special report of any matter which they may think fit to bring to the notice of Parliament.

 A Select Committee may continue its investigations although Parliament may be adjourned or prorogued and shall not be dissolved until the presentation to Parliament of its report or by motion of Parliament.

 The names of the Members present each day at the sitting of any Select Committee, the names of the witnesses examined and in the event of any division taking place, the question proposed, the name of the proposer and the respective votes thereupon of the Members present, shall be entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the Committee and such minutes of proceedings together with the minutes of evidence shall be reported to Parliament and printed with the report of the Committee.

Committee List


Select Committee of Parliament to Investigate Causes for Financial Bankruptcy declared by the Government and to Report to Parliament and Submit its Proposals and Recommendations in this regard

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to carry out an in-depth investigation into the issues that have arisen related to the Nilwala river and other water bodies in Matara District and to make recomendations for the development of a set of new reconstruction proposals

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to consider the government business presented to Parliament by the public institutions that do not come under the purview of the existing Ministries

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to look into and identify the mechanisms to be implemented in order to immediately control and eradicate the rapidly spreading drug menace in the country and to submit observations and recommendations to Parliament in that regard

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to look into whether the child malnutrition issue in Sri Lanka is aggravating and to identify short term, medium term and long term measures to be taken in that regard, as well as to oversee the speedy implementation of the identified measures

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to make recommendations for the Review and Reform of Legal Education in Sri Lanka

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

The Select Committee of Parliament to study the practical problems and difficulties in relation to preparation for the proposed ‘Business Ready (B-READY) Index’ in Sri Lanka and make its proposals and recommendations

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fifth Session  | Select Committees

Select Committee of Parliament to investigate into and to make suitable recommendations relating to the disasters caused by new Diamond and X-press Pearl Vessels in the Maritime Zone of Sri Lanka

Ninth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | Fourth Session  | Select Committees

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