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 Date: 2019-09-04   Answered 

0161/ 2019 - Question Asked By Hon. Chaminda Wijesiri, M.P.

    1. 161/’18

      Hon. Chaminda Wijesiri,—To ask the Minister of Internal & Home Affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government,—

      (a) Will he inform this House—

      (i) the length of the road network in Badulla district, which is under the purview of the local authorities in kilometres;

      (ii) the number of provincial  roads  which were renovated after the  good governance government came into power; and

      (iii) the steps that will be taken by the Ministry to renovate the road network coming under the purview of the local authorities in Badulla district, expeditiously due to fact that most of the aforesaid roads are heavily dilapidated?

      (b) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

Chaminda Wijesiri


Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government


Eighth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Local Governments in Badulla District

Answered Date


Answered by

J. C. Alawathuwala

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