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 Date: 2019-02-06   Answered 

0317/ 2019 - Question Asked By Hon. Tharaka Balasuriya, M.P.

    1. 317/’18

      Hon. Tharaka Balasuriya,— To ask the Minister of Internal & Home Affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government,— 

      (a) Is he aware that—

      (i) Mrs. M. Padmini Senehelatha who has been accused of corruption and who served there previously has been appointed to the vacant post of Secretary of the Mawanella Pradeshiya Sabha;

      (ii) following an inquiry conducted against her consequent to a complaint lodged with the Governor, she was removed from service and  Mr. W. D. K. Ekanayake who had fulfilled the required qualification for the post was appointed to the post on acting basis by the Provincial Public Services Commission; and

      (iii) the present Chairman of the Pradeshiya Sabha does not allow Mr. Ekanayake to carry out duties of the post of Secretary of the Pradeshiya Sabha?

      (b) Will he inform this House whether he will take action to bring to the notice of the Governor of Sabaragamuwa Province, the illegal and unethical conduct of the Chairman and take appropriate action?

      (c) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

Tharaka Balasuriya


Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government


Eighth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Secretary to the Mawanalla Local Government Council Mr Ekanayake prevented from carrying out his duties

Answered Date


Answered by

J. C. Alawathuwala

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