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 Date: 2013-08-22   Answered 

3778/ 2013 - Question Asked By Hon. Vijitha Berugoda, M.P.

    1. 3778/’13

      Hon.   Vijitha Berugoda,— To ask the Minister of Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development,—

      (a)  Will he inform this House —

      (i) of the objective of providing "Dimo Batta" lorries to people under the directive of the Ministry of Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development;

      (ii) of the criteria under which the aforementioned lorries were provided;

      (iii) of the number of lorries that have been provided so far based on the aforesaid criteria;

      (iv) of the value of an aforesaid lorry; and

      (v) whether the methodology under which the aforesaid lorries were provided will be continued?

      (b) Will he state —

      (i) if the aforesaid lorries are provided under a bank loan, the names of the relevant bankers;

      (ii) whether the aforesaid loan is granted with interest or interest free; and

      (iii) the value of an installment of the aforesaid loan?

      (c) If not, why ?


Asked Date


Asked by

Vijitha Berugoda


Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development


Seventh Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Demo Batta Lories to People

Answered Date


Answered by

Jagath Pushpakumara

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