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 Date: 2017-05-04   Answered 

1075/ 2017 - Question Asked By Hon. Bimal Rathnayake, M.P.

    1. 1075/’16

      Hon. Bimal Rathnayake,— To ask the Minister of Post, Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs,—

      (a) Is he aware that —

      (i) there are 3410 sub post-offices island-wide belonging to the Department of Posts;

      (ii) finding buildings to house sub post offices has to be done by Sub Postmasters themselves;

      (iii) only a sum of Rs.250/- is paid to a Sub Postmaster as the monthly rental to run a sub post office

      (iv) most Sub Postmasters have to pay a large part of their salary as the monthly rental since buildings cannot be obtained at such a lower monthly rental;

      (v) employees of sub post offices work bearing many hardships since the buildings rented for sub post offices do not even have (sanitary facilities) toilets; and 

      (vi) there are sub post offices at which the aged, retired officers who come there to get their pension do not have enough space even to be standing rather than being seated, while waiting? 

      (b) Will he inform this House —

      (i) whether steps will be taken to construct buildings for sub post offices taking the aforesaid situation into consideration so that both employees and the public will be provided with adequate facilities; and

      (ii) whether action will be taken to pay a sufficient amount for the monthly rental instead of the current monthly rental of Rs.250/- until building facilities are provided?

      (c) If not, why?

Asked Date


Asked by

Bimal Rathnayake


Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs


Eighth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


New Buildings for Sub Post Offices and Increase of Monthly Allowance for rents till then

Answered Date


Answered by

Abdul Haleem

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