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Business of the House for August 06, 2024

The Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, the Speaker took the Chair.

Announcements by the Speaker

A : Endorsement of the certificate on Bills under Article 79 of the Constitution
B : Members to serve in the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Health
C : Members to serve in the Ministerial Consultative Committee on Health
D : Member to serve in the Sectoral Oversight Committee on International Relations

Presentation of Papers

(i)    Annual Report of the National Institute of Social Development for the year 2022
(ii)    Performance Report of the Department of Samurdhi Development for the year 2023
(iii)    Annual Performance Report of the Department of Meteorology for the year 2023
(iv)    Annual Report of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University of Kelaniya for the year 2022
(v)    Annual Report and Annual Accounts of the Institute of Technology of the University of Moratuwa for the year 2022
(vi)    Annual Report of the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences of the University of Peradeniya for the year 2022
(vii)    Annual Report of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology of the University of Kelaniya for the year 2022.
(viii)    Annual Report and Accounts of the Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine for the year 2022
(ix)    Annual Report of the State Timber Corporation for the year 2022
(x)    Annual Performance Report of the Department of  National Zoological Gardens for the year 2023

(xi) Order made by the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies under Section 22 of the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2389/08 of 18th June 2024
(xii)    Order made by the Minister of Investment Promotion having considered the recommendations of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission and upon the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers under Section 53 of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2383/34 of 09th May 2024
(xiii)    National Disaster Management Plan of the Disaster Management Centre for the years 2023-2030
(xiv)    Regulations made by the Minister of Power and Energy under Section 48 read with Section 19(2) of the Petroleum Resources Act, No. 21 of 2021 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2393/11 of 15th July 2024

Presentation of Reports from the Committees

The Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Economic and Physical Plans was presented by the Hon. Mahindananda Aluthgamage, the Chair of the Committee.

Presentation of Petitions

(i)    The Hon. Mahindananda Aluthgamage                    
(ii)    The Hon. J. C. Alawathuwala    
(iii)    The Hon. Harshana Rajakaruna
(iv)    The Hon. (Mrs.) Rohini Kumari Wijerathna   -  Three Petitions                    
 (Petitions stand referred to the Committee on Public Petitions)

Questions under Standing Order 27(2) of the Parliament

The Hon. Sajith Premadasa

Issues regarding schools and proposed education reforms

The Hon. Minister of Education replied to the above Question.

Private Members’ Bills

The Hon. Premnath C. Dolawatte, Attorney at Law was granted leave to introduce the following Bill, entitled

“International Traditional Sihelogy Council (ITSC) (Incorporation)”

Main Business of the House for Today

Provincial Councils Elections (Amendment) Bill (appearing as Item No. 1 of today’s Order Paper)

Second Reading was passed by the House and referred to the Legislative Standing Committee.

Adjournment Motion

Adjournment Motion on “Failure of the levee barrier along the Nilwala River” was proposed by the Hon. Buddhika Pathirana.

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1615 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Wednesday 7th August 2024.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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