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Business of the House for August 07, 2024

The Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, the Speaker took the Chair.

Presentation of Papers by the Speaker

•    Ninth Installment – Part XLII of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2019;
•    Second Installment – Part LIII of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2022; and
•    Second Installment – Part III of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2023

in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Presentation of Papers

(i)    Annual Performance Report of the Sri Lanka Air Force for the year 2023
(ii)    Annual Performance Report of the Sri Lanka Army for the year 2023
(iii)    Annual Performance Report and Accounts of the Department of Pensions for the year 2023
(iv)    Annual Report of the National Science and Technology Commission for the year 2021
(v)    Annual Report and Accounts of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka for the year 2022
(vi)    Annual Report of the Ceylon Ceramics Corporation for the year 2022
(vii)    Annual Performance Report of the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment for the year 2023

(viii) Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Prime Minister’s Office in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament.
(ix)    Proclamation made and Published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2396/04 of         05th August 2024 and Schedule thereto, by virtue of the powers vested with the president in terms of Section 2 of the Essential Public Services Act, No. 61 of 1979.  
(x)    Note on Supplementary Allocations from the Development Activities Programme appearing under Expenditure Head No. 240 of the Department of National Budget for the period from 10.06.2024 to 10.07.2024 in terms of Section 6(1) of the Appropriation Act, No. 34 of 2023
(xi)    Reports on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing and the State Ministry of Urban Development, Coast Conservation, Waste Disposal and Community Cleanliness in the reports of the Committee on Public Accounts which were presented to Parliament
(xii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Aviation in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament

Presentation of Reports from the Committees

(i)    The Report of the Committee on Public Finance was presented by the Hon. (Dr.) Harsha de Silva, the Chair of the Committee.
(ii)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development was presented by the Hon. Ajith Mannapperuma, the Chair of the Committee.

Presentation of Petitions

(i)    The Hon. Udaya Gammanpila                    
(ii)    The Hon. Ajith Mannapperuma     -    Two Petitions
(iii)    The Hon. Sampath Athukorala      -    Two Petitions                    
(Petitions stand referred to the Committee on Public Petitions)

Questions of Privilege

Hon. Amirthanathan Adaikkalanathan

False allegation on him by a website

Adjournment Motion

Adjournment Motion on “Mid – Year Fiscal Position Report – 2024” was proposed by the Hon. Madhura Withanage, Attorney at Law.

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1615 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Thursday 8th August 2024.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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