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Business of the House for September 03, 2024

The Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, the Speaker took the Chair.

Official Oath or Affirmation by New Members

The Hon. Karunarathna Paranawithanage was sworn in as a Member of Parliament before the Hon. Speaker to fill the vacancy caused by reason of the resignation of the Hon. (Mrs.) Thalatha Athukoarala.

Messages from the President

A : Order under the Public Security Ordinance (Chapter 40)

Announcements by the Speaker

B : Regarding of Parliamentary seat of the Hon. (Mrs.) Thalatha Athukoarala, Attorney at Law becoming vacant
C : Receipt of copies of petitions in respect of the Bill titled “Online Safety (Amendment)” filed at the Supreme Court  
D : Special meeting for the Members of Parliament regarding the duties of the Central Bank

Presentation of Papers by the Speaker

•    Ninth Installment – Part XXXVIII of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2022; and
•    Second Installment – Part VI  and Third Installment – Part II of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2023
in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

(i) First Installment – Part VIII, Fourth Installment – Part II and Fifth Installment – Parts II, III and IV of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2023 in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
(ii) Performance Audit Report on Evaluation of the Performance of Department of Educational Publications in the Eighth Installment of the Report of the Auditor General in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Presentation of Papers

(i)    Annual Reports of the Lanka Sugar Company (Private) Limited for the years 2020 and 2021
(ii)    Annual Performance Report of the Sri Lanka Customs for the year 2023
(iii)    Annual Report of the Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation Ltd for the year 2022/2023
(iv)    Annual Report of the National Engineering Research and Development Centre of Sri Lanka for the year 2021
(v)    Annual Report of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine of the University of Colombo for the year 2022
(vi)    Annual Report of the Urban Development Authority for the year 2020
(vii)    Performance Report of the Prisoners Welfare Fund of the Department of Prisons for the year 2023
(viii)    Annual Performance Report of the Department of Debt Conciliation Board for the year 2023
(ix)    Performance Report of the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs for the year 2023
(x)    Annual Performance Report of the Department of Christian Religious Affairs for the year 2023
(xi)    Annual Report of the Kurunegala Plantations Limited for the year 2021
(xii)    Annual Report of the Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation for the year 2022

(xiii) Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Presidential Secretariat in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xiv)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xv)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Finance Commission in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xvi)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Public Service Commission in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xvii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Technology in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xviii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 124(6) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Defence in the report of the Committee on Ways and Means which was presented to Parliament
(xix)    Supplementary Estimate No. 02 of 2024
(xx)    Order made by the Minister of Investment Promotion under Section 3(4) of the Strategic Development Projects Act, No. 14 of 2008 relating to Chec Port City Colombo (Private) Limited and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2396/60 of 09th August 2024
(xxi)    Regulation made by the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies under Section 4 read with Section 3 of the Casino Business (Regulation) Act, No. 17 of 2010 relating to Casino Business Licensing Regulations, and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2386/09 of 29th May 2024
(xxii)    Order made by the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies under Section 3(3) of the Ports and Airports Development Levy Act, No. 18 of 2011 relating to Ports and Airports Development Levy and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2377/39 of 28th March 2024
(xxiii)    Regulations made by the Minister of Investment Promotion in consultation with the Colombo Port City Economic Commission and the Condominium Management Authority established under Section 2 of the Condominium Management Authority Law, No. 10 of 1973, under Paragraph (q) of Section 71(2) read with Section 54 of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021 relating to Colombo Port City Management of Condominium Property and published in the Gazette Extraordinary    No. 2394/68 of 26th July 2024
(xxiv)    Rules made by the Chairperson of the Governing Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under Section 105 read with Section 7(1)(c) and Part VI of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka Act, No. 16 of 2023 relating to Repatriation of Export Proceeds into Sri Lanka, and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2391/02 of   01st July 2024
(xxv)    Regulations made by the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs under Section 41 read with Section 31 of the Sports Law, No. 25 of 1973 with regard to the National Associations of Sports Regulations and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2382/32 of 03rd May 2024
(xxvi)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Parliament of Sri Lanka in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xxvii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Office of the Leader of the House of Parliament in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xxviii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Office of the Chief Government Whip of Parliament in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xxix)    Reports on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of  Industries and Institutions coming under its purview in the reports of the Committee on Public Accounts which were presented to Parliament
(xxx)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of  Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and Institutions coming under its purview in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xxxi)    Regulations made by the Minister of Power and Energy under Section 67 read with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Section 36(2) of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority  Act, No. 35 of 2007 relating to Energy Performance Standards of Appliances (Refrigerators) and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2327/33 of 11th April 2023 and the Regulation made by the Minister of Power and Energy for rectifying the Legal Draftsman’s Number on the Sinhala language copy of the said gazette under the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Act, No. 35 of 2007 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2397/28 of 14th August 2024
(xxxii)    Regulations made by the Minister of Power and Energy under Section 67 read with Sections 36 and 38 of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority  Act, No. 35 of 2007 relating to Specific Energy Consumption Benchmarks Regulations and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2339/09 of 04th July 2023
(xxxiii)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Food Security and Institutions coming under its purview in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament
(xxxiv)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 124(6) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Food Security in the report of the Committee on Ways and Means which was presented to Parliament

Presentation of Reports from the Committees

(i)    The Report of the Committee on Public Finance was presented by the Hon. (Dr.) Harsha de Silva, the Chair of the Committee.
(ii)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Foreign Employment and Labour was presented by the Hon. S. M. Marikkar, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(iii)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Health was presented by the Hon. Mayantha Dissanayake, the Chair of the Committee.
(iv)    Eight Reports of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on An Open & Accountable Government was presented by the Hon. Udayana Kirindigoda, Attorney at Law, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(v)    Four Reports of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Food Security and Agriculture was presented by the Hon. Sudath Manjula, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(vi)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Children, Women and Gender was presented by the Hon. (Dr.) (Mrs.) Harini Amarasuriya, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(vii)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Media, Youth, Heritage and New Citizen was presented by the Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.

Presentation of Petitions

The Hon. (Dr.) Susil Premajayantha, Attorney at Law
(Petition stands referred to the Committee on Public Petitions)

Questions under Standing Order 27(2) of the Parliament

The Hon. (Ven.) Athuraliye Rathana Thero

IMF intervention in Sri Lanka

Presentation of Bills

The Hon. Leader of the House of Parliament moved the following Bills entitled-
(i)    Commission for Truth, Unity and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka - to provide for the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Unity and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka; to set out the powers and functions of such Commission; to provide for the establishment of the monitoring committee of the Commission for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the Truth, Unity and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(ii)    National Land Commission - to provide for the establishment of the National Land Commission for giving effect to the provisions of paragraph 3 of appendix II to the list I (Provincial Council list) of ninth schedule to the Constitution and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(iii)    Companies (Amendment) - to amend the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007.

Main Business of the House for Today

The following Bills (appearing as Item Nos. 1 to 3 of today’s Order Paper) were passed by the House.:-

(i) Reciprocal Recognition, Registration and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements - with amendments
(ii)    Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) - with amendments
(iii)    National Minimum Wage of Workers (Amendment)

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1650 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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