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Business of the House for March 19, 2025

The Hon. (Dr.) Jagath Wickramaratne, the Speaker took the Chair.

Announcements by the Speaker

1 : Establishment of the “Parliamentary Caucus for Youth” for the Tenth Parliament
2 : Ruling regarding Hon. (Dr.) Ramanathan Archchuna

Presentation of Papers

(i)    Annual Report of the University of Vocational Technology for the year 2023.
(ii)    Annual Report of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board for the year 2023

Presentation of Petitions

(i)    The Hon. (Dr.) Harsha de Silva, Member of Parliament - Two Petitions
(ii)    The Hon. Chandana Thennakoon, Member of Parliament
(iii)    The Hon. Ruwan Mapalagama, Member of Parliament

(Petitions stand referred to the Committee on Public Petitions)

House agreed to the following Motions moved by the Hon. Leader of the House of Parliament,

(i) Ministerial Consultative Committees
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 112 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, each Ministerial Consultative Committee shall consist of Cabinet Minister in charge of the relevant subject as the Chair, State Minister, Deputy Minister and twenty nine (29) other Members of Parliament to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(ii) Legislative Standing Committee
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 113 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Legislative Standing Committee shall consist of the Deputy Speaker as the Chair, the Deputy Chairperson of Committees and fifteen (15) other Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(iii) Committee on Parliamentary Business
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 115 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament with amendments on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Parliamentary Business shall consist of the Speaker as the Chair, the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Chairperson of Committees, the Leader of the House of Parliament, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, the Chief Government Whip, the Chief Opposition Whip and  twenty (20) other Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection  to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(iv) Committee on Standing Orders
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 116 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Standing Orders shall consist of the Speaker as the Chair, the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Chairperson of Committees and ten (10) other Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(v) House Committee
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 117 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the House Committee shall consist of the Speaker as the Chair and fifteen (15) other Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(vi) Committee on Ethics and Privileges
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 118 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Ethics and Privileges shall consist of eighteen (18) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(vii) Committee on Public Accounts
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 119 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Public Accounts shall consist of thirty one (31) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(viii) Committee on Public Enterprises
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 120 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Public Enterprises shall consist of thirty one (31) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(ix) Committee on Public Finance
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 121 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Public Finance shall consist of eighteen (18) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(x) Committee on Ways and Means
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 124 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Ways and Means shall consist of twenty three (23) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(xi) Committee on Public Petitions
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 125 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on Public Petitions shall consist of twenty nine (29) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

(xii) Committee on High Posts
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 127 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Committee on High Posts shall consist of nineteen (19) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection.

(xiii) Backbencher Committee
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Standing Order 129 of the Parliament and the motion agreed to by Parliament on 06 December 2024, as decided by the Committee of Selection on 15 March 2025, the Backbencher Committee shall consist of the Chief Government Whip, the Chief Opposition Whip, eight (08) Backbenchers from the Government and eight (08) Backbenchers from the Opposition to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament.

Main Business of the House for Today

Appropriation Bill (2025) - Committee
(appearing as Item No. 1 of today’s Order Paper)

Motion at the Adjournment Time

Motion at the Adjournment Time on “Circular regarding retirement age of public officers” was proposed by the Hon. M. Nizam Kariapper, PC.

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1830 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Thursday 20th March 2025.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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