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Select Committee of Parliament on Traffic Accidents



Select Committee of Parliament to look into the alarming increase in traffic accidents,—

Whereas it has been reported that around 150 traffic accidents occur daily in Sri Lanka which cause loss of about 5 – 6 valuable lives;

And whereas it has been reported that the Government spends billions of rupees yearly for the treatment of persons injured in traffic accidents;

And whereas it has been reported that a large number of vehicles are damaged every year and billions of rupees are paid by the insurance companies to repair the damaged vehicles;

And whereas a considerable percentage of fuel used for vehicles is wasted due to traffic congestion;

And whereas road accidents have been a tremendous health and socio economic burden for the people and the country;

And whereas the UN General Assembly has declared 2011-2020 Decade of Action for Road Safety; and

Whereas the Select Committee appointed in Sixth Parliament to look into the alarming increase in traffic accidents was unable to submit the Final Report to Parliament before its dissolution.

This Parliament resolves that a Select Committee of Parliament be appointed to look into and report to Parliament,

(a) whether it is necessary to classify statistically the increase in traffic accidents and to identify scientifically the causes for such increase;

(b) whether the road network is adequate to meet the increasing number of vehicles;

(c) whether there is a total disregard of road rules by the users of the roads inclusive of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians;

(d) whether there is a failure on the part of the implementing authorities, specially the Police, to effectively enforce the rules of the road;

(e) whether it would be necessary to introduce new legislation or to amend existing legislations regarding road rules;

(f) whether the modern road safety equipment, technologies and systems are experimented in the country to prevent accidents;

(g) whether there is a system to look after the welfare of the victims of accidents and to compensate them and their families;

(h) what short term and long term procedures should be followed to prevent traffic accidents.


 2.          (a)     That the Committee and its Chairman shall be nominated by the  Speaker.

 (b)    That notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order 95, the Committee     shall consist of not more than seventeen (17) Members.


3. That the Committee shall have the power to—

         (a)      fix its quorum ;

(b)    summon any person to appear before it, to require any person to procure any document or record, to procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the Committee may think it necessary for the fullest consideration of the matters referred to above ;

(c)     obtain the services of Specialists and Experts in the relevant fields to assist the      Committee and

       (d)    make interim reports from time to time and to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of Parliament.




Contact Committee Secretary


Dhammika Dasanayake







Committee Lapsed

Seventh Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka  | First Session

Date: 2015-07-26

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