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 Date: 2014-09-25   Answered 

4088/ 2014 - Question Asked By Hon. Buddhika Pathirana, M.P.

    1. 4088/’13

      Hon. Buddhika Pathirana,— To ask the Minister of Postal Services,—

      (a) Will he state—

      (i) whether he is aware that a project for networking all the Post Offices located around the island has been launched;

      (ii) the name of the institution with which an agreement has been signed;

      (iii) whether a feasibility study was carried out before signing that agreement;

      (iv) whether action will be taken to submit a copy of the said agreement to this House; and

      (v) the date on which that agreement was signed?

      (b) Will he inform this House—

      (i) of the sum of money expected to be spent for the project of networking of the Post Offices;

      (ii) of the duration of the aforesaid project; and

      (iii) separately, of the number of Post Offices networked in each phase?

      (c) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

Buddhika Pathirana


Muslim Religious Affairs and Posts


Seventh Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Networking Post Offices Project- Contractor Selected

Answered Date


Answered by

Abdul Haleem

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