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 Date: 2016-02-11   Answered 

0267/ 2016 - Question Asked By Hon. M. H. M. Salman, M.P.

    1. 267/’15


      Hon. M. H. M. Salman,— To ask the  Minister of Post, Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs,—

      (a) Is he aware that when lands and buildings (Wakf Property) belonging to the religious sites of Muslim Mosques, Juma Mosques and Thakkiya Saviya under the Muslim Mosques and Charitable Trusts Act, are acquired for various development purposes of the government, the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs (Wakf Division) is not enlightened on  such acquisitions?

      (b) Will he inform this House—

      (i) whether a Gazette Notification has been issued by the Subject Minister with pertinence to the procedures to be adopted (as per the relevant Act) when acquiring the Wakf property registered in the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs ;

      (ii) if so, of the number and date of the aforesaid Gazette Notification;

      (iii) whether a copy of the said notification will be tabled?

      (c) If not, why?


Asked Date


Asked by

M. H. M. Salman


Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs


Eighth Parliament of the D.S.R. of Sri Lanka



Question History


Acquiring Waquf properties for development work

Answered Date


Answered by

Abdul Haleem

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