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Business of the House for August 09, 2024

The Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, the Speaker took the Chair.

Announcements by the Speaker

A : Endorsement of the certificate on a Bill under Article 79 of the Constitution

Questions under Standing Order 27(2) of the Parliament

The Hon. Sajith Premadasa

Issues regarding X-press Pearl disaster and fisheries sector

The Hon. State Minister of Justice and Prison Affairs replied to the above Question.

Presentation of Bills

The Hon. Leader of the House of Parliament moved the Bill entitled

“National Minimum Wage of Workers (Amendment)”

to amend the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act, No. 3 of 2016.

Votes of Condolence

Vote of Condolence on the late Hon. Ronnie De Mel, ex-Member of Parliament, was taken up and completed.

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1405 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Wednesday 21st August 2024.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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