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Business of the House for August 21, 2024

The Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, the Speaker took the Chair.

Official Oath or Affirmation by New Members

The Hon. Bandula Lal Bandarigoda was sworn in as a Member of Parliament before the Hon. Speaker to fill the vacancy caused by the cancellation of the Parliamentary seat of Hon. Manusha Nanayakkara.

Announcements by the Speaker

A : Regarding of Parliamentary seats of the Hon. Harin Fernando and Hon. Manusha Nanayakkara becoming vacant
B : Endorsement of the certificate on Bills under Article 79 of the Constitution  
C : Co-opted Members to serve in the Legislative Standing Committee for the consideration of the “Provincial Councils Elections (Amendment)” Bill     
D : Co-opted Members to serve in the Legislative Standing Committee for the consideration of the “Parliamentary Elections (Amendment)” Bill

Presentation of Papers by the Speaker

•    Ninth Installment – Part XLI of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2021;
•    Third Installment – Part XIX and Ninth Installment – Part XXXVII of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2022; and  
•    Second Installment – Parts IV and V, Third Installment – Part I and Ninth Installment – Part I of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2023
in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

First Installment – Part VII, Fourth Installment – Part I and Fifth Installment – Part I of the Report of the Auditor–General for the Financial Year 2023 in terms of Article 154(6) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Presentation of Papers

(i)    Performance Report of the Judges of the Superior Court – Head 04 for the year 2023
(ii)    Annual Report of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board for the year 2022
(iii)    Performance Report of the Ministry of Investment Promotion for the year 2023
(iv)    Annual Performance Report of the Sri Lanka Navy for the year 2023
(v)    Annual Report and Accounts of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka for the year 2022
(vi)    Annual Report and Statement of Accounts of the University of Moratuwa for the year 2022
(vii)    Annual Report of the University of Colombo School of Computing for the year 2022
(viii)    Annual Performance Report of the Department of Technical Education and Training for the year 2023
(ix)    Annual Performance Report of the Office of the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament for the year 2023
(x)    Annual Performance Report of the National Physical Planning Department for the year 2023
(xi)    Annual Report of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation for the year 2017
(xii)    Annual Report of the National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka for the year 2021
(xiii)    Performance Report of the Rubber Development Department for the year 2023
(xiv)    Annual Report of the Kahatagaha Graphite Lanka Limited for the year 2021/2022
(xv)    Annual Report of the Sri Lanka Ayurvedic Drugs Corporation for the year 2022
(xvi)    Annual Report of the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital and Postgraduate Medical Training Centre for the year 2022
(xvii)    Annual Report of the Lanka Coal Company (Pvt) Ltd for the year 2022
(xviii)    Annual Report of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority for the year 2022
(xix)    Annual Performance Report of the Non - Cabinet Ministry of State Plantation Enterprises Reforms for the year 2023

(xx) Regulations made by the Minister of Investment Promotion in consultation with the Colombo Port City Economic Commission and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in relation to offshore banking business carried out in and from the Area of Authority of the Colombo Port City, under Section 71 read with Section 44 of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2394/66 of 26th July 2024
(xxi)    Regulations made by the Minister of Investment Promotion in consultation with the Colombo Port City Economic Commission and with the concurrence of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in relation to offshore banking business carried out in and from the Area of Authority of the Colombo Port City, under Section 71 read with Section 45 of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2394/67 of 26th July 2024
(xxii)    Regulations made by the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies under Section 20 of the Imports and Exports (Control) Act, No. 1 of 1969 amended by Acts, No. 48 of 1985 and No. 28 of 1987 read with Sections 4(1) and 14 of the aforesaid Act and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2393/36 of 18th July 2024
(xxiii)    Regulations made by the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies under Section 17 read with Section 11 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, No. 28 of 2005 and published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2382/11 of 30th April 2024
(xxiv)    Report on the submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 124(6) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies in the report of the Committee on Ways and Means which was presented to Parliament
(xxv)    The Final Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into, take necessary Action and Report on the Findings and Recommendations of Preceding Commissions of Inquiry and Committees which had been Appointed to  Investigate into Human Rights Violations, Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law and other such Serious Offences (Volume I)
(xxvi)    Report on the Submission of observations and steps taken in terms of the Standing Order 119(4) of the Parliament with regard to the matters mentioned on the Office of the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament in the report of the Committee on Public Accounts which was presented to Parliament

Presentation of Reports from the Committees

(i)    The Report and the Minutes of the Legislative Standing Committee on “Sathya Sri Ghanapathi Bhakthi Jana Sewa Foundation (Incorporation) Bill” was presented by the Hon. Ajith Rajapakse, the Deputy Speaker, the Chair of the Committee.
(ii)    The Report and the Minutes of the Legislative Standing Committee on “Institute of Drafting Technologists Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Bill” was presented by the Hon. Ajith Rajapakse, the Deputy Speaker, the Chair of the Committee.
(iii)    The Report and the Minutes of the Legislative Standing Committee on “Provincial Councils Elections (Amendment) Bill” was presented by the Hon. Ajith Rajapakse, the Deputy Speaker, the Chair of the Committee.
(iv)    Two Reports of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Just and Law - Abiding Society was presented by the Hon. W. D. J. Seneviratne, Attorney at Law, the Chair of the Committee.
(v)    Third Report of the Committee on Ways and Means for the Fifth Session of the Ninth Parliament was presented by the Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, the Chair of the Committee.
(vi)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Economic and Physical Plans was presented by the Hon. Madhura Withanage, Attorney at Law, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(vii)    The Report of the Committee on Public Finance was presented by the Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, member of the Committee on behalf of the Chair of the Committee.
(viii)    The Two Reports of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development was presented by the Hon. Ajith Mannapperuma, the Chair of the Committee.
(ix)    The Report of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on An Open & Accountable Government was presented by the Hon. Jagath Kumara Sumithraarachchi, the Chair of the Committee.

Presentation of Petitions

(i)    The Hon. Anuradha Jayaratne                    
(ii)    The Hon. Hector Appuhamy                      -     Two Petitions
(iii)    The Hon. S. M. Marikkar                    
(iv)    The Hon. Shan Vijayalal De Silva                    
(v)    The Hon. Weerasena Gamage                    -    Two Petitions
(Petitions stand referred to the Committee on Public Petitions)

Questions under Standing Order 27(2) of the Parliament

The Hon. Sajith Premadasa

Issues faced by paddy farmers, fisheries sector and SME sector

Presentation of Bills

The Hon. Chief Government Whip moved the following Bills entitled-

(i)    Public Assets Management - to provide for the establishment of a department to be called and known as the Department of Comptroller General; to identify and compile a National Assets Register of non-financial movable or immovable assets fully owned, assigned, possessed, vested in, held or utilised by a public institution; to update such register periodically and to ensure proper returns of such assets to the Public Institutions and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(ii)    Penal Code (Amendment) - to amend the Penal Code (Chapter 19).
(iii)    Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) - to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979.
(iv)    Rent (Repeal) - to Repeal the Rent Act, No. 7 of 1972.
(v)    Protection of Occupants - to prevent a landlord from ejecting persons from occupation of a premises; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(vi)    Bills of Exchange (Amendment) - to amend the Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Chapter 82).

Private Members’ Bills

The Hon. (Dr.) (Mrs.) Sudarshini Fernandopulle was granted leave to introduce the following Bills, entitled

(i)    Maternity Benefits (Amendment)
(ii)    Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) (Amendment)

(iii) The Hon. ( Dr.) Kavinda Heshan Jayawardhana was granted leave to introduce the following Bill, entitled

“Sri Lanka Optometric Association (Incorporation)”

Main Business of the House for Today

The following Items (appearing as Item Nos. 1 to 3 of today’s Order Paper) were approved by the House and Item No. 3 referred to the Legislative Standing Committee.:-

(i) Notification under the Excise Ordinance
(ii)    Regulations under the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act
(iii)    Institute of World Life Line Yoga (Incorporation) - Second Reading

Questions at the Adjournment Time

One Question was asked by following Member of Parliament:-
The Hon. Imran Maharoof

The Parliament was, thereafter adjourned at 1553 Hrs. until 0930 Hrs. on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

This is an unedited version. For the official record of this day's proceedings, please refer the Hansard

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